NOTICE: Campus closed & events cancelled Wednesday & Thursday due to weather.


What's on your mind?

Fill in the blanks below and let us know how you're doing. You can request prayer, ask questions, provide suggestions, express gratitude, anything!

Office Hours
Monday - Thursday  •  8:30am - 4:00pm
Friday & Saturday  •  Office Closed
Sunday Celebration Service  •  10:00am
Meet with Spiritual Leadership by Appointment

Unity of Naples
2000 Unity Way
Naples, FL 34112

Give us a call anytime
Leave a message and we'll get back to you

(239) 775-3009

Or shoot us an e-mail

[email protected]

And be sure to follow us on social media


Prayer Request Form

One-on-one prayer following Sunday Service

Give us a call anytime
Leave a message and we'll get back to you

(239) 775-3009

Or shoot us an e-mail

[email protected]

Call the Silent Unity 24/7 Prayer line

(816) 969-2000

Visit Unity Village Prayer Ministries online

Prayer Request Form

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